Lying beside you
Here in the dark
Feeling your heartbeat
With mine
Softly you whisper
You're so sincere
How could our love
Be so blind
We sailed on together
We drifted apart
And here you are by my side
Que mis ojos se despierten con la luz de tu mirada yo
A Dios le pido
Que mi madre no se muera y que mi padre me recuerde
A Dios le pido
Que te quedes a mi lado y que mas nunca te me vayas mi vida A Dios le pido
Que mi alma no descanse cuando de amarte se trate mi .....
There I was completely wasted, out of work and down.
All inside it's so frustrating as I drift from town to town.
Feel as though nobody cares if I live or die,
So I might as well begin to put some action in my life
Breaking the law, breaking the law
One Love
Two souls together
Youre free
What you're waiting for
Dont stop
Now go ahead and make it happend
All you ever need is
1 2 3 4
Day by day
And every night
Passing by
You know it's .....
M-ai inchis intr-un vis plin de umbre si durere, heeeee
M-ai hranit zi de zi doar cu vorbe fara sens,
Nici nu-ti pasa!
M-ai rugat sa lipsesc de la tot ce-nseamna viata, aaa
Mi-ai cumparat doar lacrimi reci
Si pentru suflet numai dor
Si m-ai .....
Now we are together
Sitting outside in the sunshine
But soon we'll be apart
And soon it'll be night at noon
Now things are fine
The clouds are far away up in the sky
But soon I'll be on a .....
Make your move, cross the line(8)
Baby make your move,
step across the line,
touch me one more time.
Come on, dare me!
Bunica mea iubita imi este tare dor de vremurile cand eram mai mica cand imi duceai atata dor...De ce>? De ce bunicoo...
Mai parasit si acum mi-e tare dor de dumneata...
Bunico!!!Te rog intoarcete la mine si ajutama sa trec din rau in bine!!! Iartama ca nu te-am pretuit dar sa .....
Oh I can't stay here anymore
I made mystake you can understand - yeah
I feel in pain deep in my soul
You gotta hear me
I cannot pretend - no
I'm sorry
If I made you cry
If I said a lie
I am just a man
Strofa 1
Gata! s-a terminat, nu te mai aud deloc,
Si nu mai vreau in inima mea sa iti fac loc,
L-ai avut, l-ai pierdut, nu e vina mea
Ai avut increderea mea si ai fost prima,
Dar gata s-a incheiat acum te las in spate
Si n-are rost acum sa-ti mai .....