mi-am dorit
sa vad raul cu ochii mei.
acum se abate
asupra mea
si ma sufoc.
simt ca ma apasa mult prea tare
si nu-i pot reista.
vreau sa se termine,
dar nu se poate.
ma apasa mult prea tare
pentru a mai putea spera
Doar o fractiune din iubirea ta
Si aerul se umple
Si ma indragostesc de tine iar si iar
Esti lumina ce hraneste soarele in lumea mea
As suporta o mie de ani de durere pentru fata mea
Dintre toate lucrurile din viata de care mi-ar fi frica
20, 000 seconds since you've left and I'm still counting
And 20, 000 reasons to get up, get something done
But I'm still waiting
Is someone kind enough to
Pick me up and give me food, assure me that the world is good
But you should be here, you .....
The thought of you and me and me and you
It's clear, it's blurry
Your head, my mind, your mind, my head, as one
It's real, the foolish worry
I feel you and you feel me as I feel you
It's good, it's scary
The speed, the .....
If I could look beyond your face
And photograph your hidden place
Would I find you smiling in the picture
I don't know what you want
Because you don't know,
So what's the point of asking
You're almost happy
Almost content
Go on my love
I know you must go
But if there were a way
I would keep you home
You'll fight for the tears
In the eyes of our child
As she stares at the hands
Of her brother who died
For our future, our land
Or the freedom to .....
You turn off the light, kiss me good night
And mother, I know that I'm going to be alright
I just can't wait to grow up
Find my own life, be a good wife
And a smart one, I'm sure
I never took us for granted and I always knew
You and I .....
I wish you could adore
The way you did before
Now you're living through another year
Oh, the light you were
Will soon become a blur
As you're living through another year
Oh, what a waste of time it is
To indulge inside of bliss
Don't call me sinner
Don't call me nerd
Don't call me chaotic
Because you heard
I have strange feelings
I have weird thoughts
But don't call me an artist
Because I'm not
I am an animal, a saint
Bravely I look further than I see
Knowing things I know I cannot be, not now
I'm so aware of where I am, but I don't know where that is
And there's something right in front of me and I
Touch the fingers of my hand
And I wonder if .....