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Julie Delpy - An ocean apart

Now we are together

Sitting outside in the sunshine

But soon we'll be apart

And soon it'll be night at noon

Now things are fine

The clouds are far away up in the sky

But soon I'll be on a plane

And soon you'll feel the cold rain

You promised to stay in touch when we're apart

You promised before I left that you'll always love me

Time goes by and people cry and everything goes too fast

Now we have each other

Enjoying each moment with one another

But soon I'll be miles away

And soon the phone will be our only way

Now I'm in your arms

Feeling pure love and warm

But soon I'll be alone

And soon your voice will change of tone

You promised we'll never break up over the telephone

You said our love was stronger than an ocean apart

Time goes by and people lie and everything goes too fast

Let's not fool ourselves in vain

This far away trip will give us pain

We'll have to be so strong

To keep our love from going wrong

Distance will make us cold

Even put our love on hold

But soon we'll meet again

And soon it'll be bright at noon again

You promised not to loose faith in our love when I'm away

You promised so much to me but now you've left me

We go by and then we lie and all this time we wasted

Time goes by and people lie and everything goes too fast.

Time went by and then we died and everything went too fast

Everything went too fast

Everything went too fast

Everything went too fast

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 247

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