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Just a Man - I'm sorry

Oh I can't stay here anymore
I made mystake you can understand - yeah
I feel in pain deep in my soul
You gotta hear me
I cannot pretend - no

I'm sorry
If I made you cry
If I said a lie
I am just a man
Please give me your hand
I have more to give
You have to believe
I am just a man
Please give me your hand

Oh - I feel like misunderstood
I never promised
I don't wanna to love – no
I thought we could just be friends
You gotta hear me
I cannot pretend - no

I'm sorry
If I made you cry
If I said a lie
I am just a man
Please give me your hand
I have more to give
You have to believe
I am just a man
Please gïve me your hand

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 232

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