Bunica mea iubita imi este tare dor de vremurile cand eram mai mica cand imi duceai atata dor...De ce>? De ce bunicoo...
Mai parasit si acum mi-e tare dor de dumneata...
Bunico!!!Te rog intoarcete la mine si ajutama sa trec din rau in bine!!! Iartama ca nu te-am pretuit dar sa .....
Oh I can't stay here anymore
I made mystake you can understand - yeah
I feel in pain deep in my soul
You gotta hear me
I cannot pretend - no
I'm sorry
If I made you cry
If I said a lie
I am just a man
Strofa 1
Gata! s-a terminat, nu te mai aud deloc,
Si nu mai vreau in inima mea sa iti fac loc,
L-ai avut, l-ai pierdut, nu e vina mea
Ai avut increderea mea si ai fost prima,
Dar gata s-a incheiat acum te las in spate
Si n-are rost acum sa-ti mai .....
Oh woooah, oh woooooah, oh wooooah, oh.
You know you love me, I know you care,
just shout whenever and Ill be there.
You are my love, you are my heart
and we will never ever ever be apart.
Are we an item? girl quit playing,
were just friends, what .....
Would have given up my life for you
Guess it's true what they say about love
It's blind
Girl, you lied straight to my face
Looking in my eyes
And I believed you 'cause I loved you more than
.:: Madonna feat Justin Timberlake - 4 minutes (romana) ::.
TIMBALAND:nu mai am timp si am doar 4 minute , 4 minute {de 8 ori}
MADONNA:vino baiete am tot asteptat pe cineva sa ma ia de unde am ramas
JUSTIN:ei bine nu-ti pierde timpul da-mi un semn spunemi cum vrei .....