One Love
Two souls together
Youre free
What you're waiting for
Dont stop
Now go ahead and make it happend
All you ever need is
1 2 3 4
Day by day
And every night
Passing by
You know it's right
Live your life
To the full
And dont look back
*Chorus X 1
Too much hate
Wont do you good
Buts not too late
I know you should
Trust yourself and
You can make
The change you like
*Chorus X 1
Sing your way through life with me
Keep your faith and you will see
Rain will stop falling if suns that youre calling
Musics everywhere youll be
Makes you smile and gets you free
All that you need you need is just
1 2 3 4
*Chorus X 1 Guïtar Chorus X 2
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 247
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