I have a brother I love more than me
He and his wife had a little baby
He hates sudden noises
He can't stand bright light
I suppose he'd have rather stayed inside
Little man, I wonder, are you happy, are you sad?
The one thing I'm sure of you're the smallest man I ever met
And you will see beauty
And you will feel pain
You're the little spark of hope inside my brain
I am so sorry about the world we put you in
I am so sorry I'll never be like you again
Little man, so much to learn and so much to forget
So much to give before I go to bed
I think that your first words
Just may be your best
And I hope that 'I love you' will be your last
Oh how I hope that you grow up to be happy
Oh how I hope that you will shed a tear for me
You wonder who you are and that is not unusual
'Cause no one's ever sure
Little man, wïll you remember me?
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 173
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