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K's Choice - My heart

Not so long ago
We both felt love became a word
No more than that
With sex that felt like wings without a bird

The only thing that we both love
Is in the cradle that we rock
Six hands, six feet, but just one beat
The ticking of the clock

I always heard I could get hurt
(I knew that from the start)
Break my face, my back, my arms, my neck
But please don't break my heart
Break my face, my back, my arms, my neck
But please don't break my heart

Solid wood will rot
If you don't keep it from the rain
We were surprised when we found out
That love feels just like païn

I always heard I could get hurt
I knew that from the start
Break my face, my back, my arms, my neck
But please don't break my heart
Break my face, my back, my arms, my neck
But please don't break my heart

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 194

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