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K's Choice - Mr.Freeze

I'm about to tell you about a man I've known
Since I've been able to open up a refrigerator

I am wondering today in the sun on a boat to Dover
Could you freeze me in and defrost me when it's over

Mr. Freeze, I feel your chill
As I inhale the urge to kill all my emotions
I ask you please, but all you do is make me sneeze
Mr. Freeze

I am wondering today in the sun on a boat to Dover
Whose shadow it is that appears as I bend over

It's Mr. Freeze, I hear no sound
As I focus on the amount of my emotions
I ask you please, take the lead or let me bleed
Mr. Freeze

My temperature is really low now; you're here
But you're not welcome any longer
I will release
I will release Mr. Freeze

No bangs, no yells, merely the sea
Is Mr. Freeze inside of me
No bangs, no yells, merely the sea
Is Mr. Freeze inside of me
No bangs, no yells, merely the sea
Is Mr. Freeze inside of me
No bangs, no yells, merely the sea
Is Mr. Freeze inside of me

I am wondering today in the sun on a boat to Dover
How it comes that I feel so hïgh when I ought to feel lower

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 188

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