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K's Choice - My head

No, I know what you said
But that doesn't mean that I understand
And you don't know what I meant by that
But it's sweet that you tried
That you're on my side
If you were my head
You'd know where it hurts
You'd clean up the dirt
If you were my head
I would be heard
As close, as close as we'll get
We touch and it's gone
I must have been wrong when I thought
Everything melts in us
Though sometimes it does
If you were my head
You'd know where it hurts
You'd clean up the dirt
If you were my head
I would be heard
No, I'll never be you
But I don't need to
As long as you love me like you
If you were my head
You'd know where it hurts
You'd clean up the dirt
And I would be heard
If you were my head
You'd know where it hurts
You'd clean up the dïrt
If you were my head
I would be heard

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 184

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