That's a stupid hat you're wearing
It doesn't really match your hair
Did I ever tell you that your breath is worse
Than what you wear
That's exactly what she told him
At least that's what he told me
So I guess we could conclude
They're not a happy family
Love's not what you see between the legs of the majority
That's a lovely dress you're wearing
Too bad your figure can't make it work
When I hear the things you say
I wonder if your brain can work
That's exactly what he told her
At least that's what she told me
I scream my calls, I lock my doors
I'm suddenly filled with apathy
Love's not what you see between the legs of the majority
Although, I'd like to add the game in bed is a necessity
To make me happy
Make me happy
Love's not what you see between the legs of the majority
Although, I'd like to add the game in bed is a necessïty
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 171
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