Life has always been a pretty song
And pretty loud
You're so beautiful
Why is it fading out
I don't want to live forever
But as long as I do
I'd love to live for real
Now the boy who dried your tears
Is crying all the time
Now the joy I've had for years
Has left me for a while
I don't want to live forever
But as long as I do
I'd love to live for real
With you I might get there
With you I might start to feel
With you I will get there
With you I will live for real
I will breathe the air, I'll dance
And you will wonder why
It's because you made me see
This chance was moving by
Because I'm not going to live forever
But as long as I do
I'd love to live for real
With you I might get there
With you I might start to feel
With you I will get there
With you I will live for real
When a cloud becomes my head
Play your music loud instead
And we'll dance untïl
The both of us are dead
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 196
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