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K's Choice - Julian

I was feeling awful
And I had too much to drink
And I could only get a bit better
If I just knew what to think

I wanted to caress you
And to hold you in my arms
I wanted you to touch me
While you strangle me with charms

Raise your glass for love
For Julian

I took you to my bedroom
With just one thing to do
And only seconds later
You were me and I was you

And in silence there together
With the moon ?? that ??
My mother woke me up
And asked me whether I was fine

This one goes out to you
My Julian

You were too beautiful to look at
And to talk with far too kind
So all that's left is a picture of you
Scratched, inside my mind

Raise your glass for love
For Julian
My Julïan

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 200

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