Thunder, please explain
Why you ask me how I am, I'm fine I
Wonder is it sane
To pierce purple eyeballs made of china
I love you like a son, like a game I have won
Like a toothbrush I used for the Eiffel Tower
My youth, it is gone, it's a boot stuck in the ground
Is there truth to be found in an iron flower
Mmm, I will try hard to be a spark of power
I will, I'll never be your iron flower
Stone please explain
Why your silence makes more noise than thunder
Bones; is it sane
To obey me and the flesh you're under
Your words are soon gone and it hurts, I have none
Take a jump from you pretty linguistic tower
The goal of speech, so obnoxious to reach
Only one thing to do, melt your iron flower...
Mmm, I will try hard to be a spark of power
I will, I'll never be your ïron flower
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 164
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