I will walk away from you
(Don't stop me)
I will walk away from you
(Don't blame me)
I have felt the ugly midget kicking on my knee
I have seen the ugly midget walking over me
I will tell you what I've learned
We're through as far as I'm concerned
Break up and just before we do
I will walk away from you
I will walk away from you
(Stop me)
I will walk away from you
(Blame me)
I have had enough of you
Tell me you hate me too
Or embrace me and forget
What I have said to you
I will tell you what I've learned
We're one as far as I'm concerned
Make up and just before we do
I will be walking back to you
Walking back to you
Walking back to you
Walking back to you
Walkïng back to you
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 186
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