If I could put you in a frame I'd draw you smiling
With a cigarette in your mouth and your hands reaching out for something
If I could, if I could wear all your clothes I'd still be different
And if I had your speaking voice I'd never whisper
I'd talk and talk and talk
We will be winners
Our heads glued together
And all is indefinite in you
Whatever you've been told
Don't turn to God because you're cold
Try the black one, white is nice
If you want blue, you'll pay the price
Is there no room for us
I'll make a space for us
We will be winners
Our heads glued together
And all is indefinite in you
Meet me in front of the room where we kissed
Where you changed me, estranged me
Where no one resists
Where I followed you, hollowed by you
We will be winners
Our heads glued together
And all is indefinite in you
We will be winners
We will be wïnners
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 182
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