You're crying but as long as it's transparent and not red
There's no real reason to be sad to the people who are
Smiling, always happy, always gay they do not know
That the edges of the mouth can move the other way
You're freezing, the ice on which you nearly slipped outside
Is in your body, in your mind, getting warmer you are
Dreaming, quite useless but it feels okay to you
In a world that's dreaming too, in a world in which you
Keep on searching for a thing sublime
When all you need is inside of you
Everybody's waiting for springtime
Well winter can be cozy too
Cherish the moment, cherish the key
That leads to sane insanity
Cherish incompetence, cherish me
Don't ever cherish somebody who
Keeps on searching for a thing sublime
When all you need is inside of you
Everybody's waiting for springtime
Well wïnter can be cozy too
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 175
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