In a dark well
Late at night
Children crying, they've lost their kite
They're left with nothing but
Giant lizards
Eating deer
Growing appetite as they notice that
Their prey's stills breathing
Lizards' eyes reflection
Shows a glimpse of imperfection
Through the spastic sighs of innocence
Of deer's blood and it's cruel attraction
White kite fauna, do you feel
White kite fauna, is it real
Is it real
In a dark well
I found a kite
Bloodstained, so beautiful
I close my eyes and
I perceive
Marble emptiness
Looking for my soul to bless
Lizards' eyes reflection
Shows a glimpse of imperfection
Through the spastic sighs of innocence
Of deer's blood and it's cruel attraction
White kite fauna, do you feel
White kite fauna, is it real
White kite fauna, do you feel
White kite fauna, will it heal
Will it heal
In a dark well
Late at night
I am crying
I've lost my kite
Left with nothïng
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 170
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