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K's Choice - Weak

Lost in time I can't count the words
Said when I thought they went unheard
All of those harsh thoughts so unkind
'Cos I wanted you

(And) now I sit here I'm all alone
So here sits a fucking mess, tears fly home
A circle of angels, deep in war
'Cos I wanted you

Weak as I am, no tears for you
Weak as I am, no tears for you
Deep is I am, I'm no ones fool
Weak as I am

And what am I now but loves last home
I'm all of the soft words I once owned
If I opened my heart, there'd be no space for air
'Cos I wanted you

With this tainted soul
In thïs weak young heart
Am I too much for you

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 189

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