I hold it, I fold it
I throw it on the floor
I wrote it, but maybe I'm afraid
That you'll be bored
It's very real and true and sad
And hopeful just like me
It's one of those things I'll never tell
I'll carve it in a tree
I follow you, I watch you
I thank god you're in my class
I picture us in the schoolbus
And we're holding each others' hand
I need a plan for you to fall
In love with me and then
I'll make you marry me, I'll wait...
I never wear my glasses when
I know that you can see me
You act as if I'm not around
But deep down you must need me
I draw you, every single
Feature in my head
I try to do my homework
But I dream of you instead
I need a plan for you to fall
In love with me and then
I'll make you marry me, I'll wait...
I'll make you marry me
I'll make you marry me
I'll make you marry, marry me...
I'll waït...
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 179
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