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K's Choice - Now is mine

My past, my future, my disease
Perhaps collapse to make me seize
A moment just a breeze
Greatful, humble I allow
These words to be the past somehow
I wonder
Am I here now
Am I here now
I feel, hear, see and it confuses me
I am wrong
I am here now
Is mine
I'll take it all around the world
Take my future past, it's fine
But now is mine

My precious present, will you bloom
To make this fourth dimension womb
Stop asking. Stop asking why
All I know is all I am
Will never fully understand my breathing
I try, how I try to feel, hear, see and it confuses me
I am wrong
I am here now
Is mine
I'll take it all around the world
Take my future past, it's fine
But now is mïne

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 193

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