After all the broken storms
That were thrown for no good reason
Inside, she is loving him still
After all this time
And though her heart bears the scars
No sign of healing
ItÂ’s alright, she is loving him still
After all this time
cn vrea sa vina langa mn doar u
cn vrea sa plece fara tn doar eu
te mishti km greu k un ML
nu imprumuta pentru senzatzii cool ultimul leu
u masori eu stau p loc stii c nr port toc
e prima data knd vezi o fata
spune mi unde vrei sa ajungi cu .....
Cry cry cry
Cry like a baby
"C" Moon "C" Moon
So where do you go, up hi under low
The devil I know said, something is missing
Outside it's hot, the first of July
And a look in your eye said, something is missing
I heard you're doing okay
But I want you to know
I'm a dick
I'm addicted to you
I can't pretend I don't care
When you don't think about me
Do you think I deserve this?
Yo, kaboom!
Gal one someone's fellas' from England turn to ever plan in a Bucharest land...
Watch me now!
I (Buppy):
People run town, run, people run choke,
Take things like a sensless talk,
Rude bwoay come in a those .....
Ai ceva ce nimeni nu poate sa-mi dea
E ascunsa in inima ta.
Pare greu sa crezi, sa crezi c-ai putea
Sa mai simti dragostea
Dar spune-mi, noaptea, ce vise ai
Si voi fi tot ce iti doresti.
Vreau sa ma pierd in ochii .....
Everybody in the country
Come along and move your body
To the rhythm of Romania
The holy Dracula from Transylvania
Hello, darling, I'm Dracula the famous prince charming
Don't, no, don't be runnin
Come and let me kiss you on the .....
Stiu ce ascunzi
Stiu ce vrei
Imi vorbesc ochii tai
Tu ma poti completa
Jumatatea mea...
Te iubesc
Dar mi-e greu
Esti plecat mai mereu
Pe scena, in tara
Zeci de mii de fete zbiara...
Iti faci prea multe griji .....
Am 22 de ani,
Lucrez de prea multa vreme in locul asta plictisitor,
Mi-as dori sa evadez, sa ma astepte o limuzina,
Cu vreo 4 femei goale, si sa ma duca departe, departe
La Miami, Sa stau cu burta la soare
Si sa beau un cocktail rece
In timp ce o .....
For show, Don Be, yo, Simplu, Moga
Drum, pe drum, pe drum, pe drum, pe drum, drum
Ca un nebun, nebun, nebun, nebun, nebun, bun
Cu 20 la ora masina ma adora
Conduc atat de incet , de parca timpul sta in loc
Si ma plimb aiurea, etelandu-mi furia
Iubirea .....