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Simplu - 7 secunde(feat Pacha Man)

Yo, kaboom!
Gal one someone's fellas' from England turn to ever plan in a Bucharest land...
Watch me now!

I (Buppy):
People run town, run, people run choke,
Take things like a sensless talk,
Rude bwoay come in a those chin I got all
Gimme 7 seconds, let me lewd up the troop,

Refrenn (Buppy) I:
7 seconds to view the situation,
7 seconds we make our problem,
7 seconds we're gone like are done,
Gimme 7 seconds as I hit the nation on.

II (Buppy):
I make my move, yes, we got blood,
Heard the situation in a Bucharest land,
When they're movin from' hands to burn,
Andre '2000, handle y'an.
Do the situation in 7 seconds,
'N ours one time this is a big one.
In a Eastern Europe you still can choose
Our blind eye is said no time to fuck off.

III (C.R.B.L.):
Pot sa fac ce vreau nu stau de loc pe loc,
Si stii ca nu-i un joc
Rimele mele te vor doar pe tine
Si vor sa te muste de cur, ti-e bine?
Te tine sa te iei la tranta cu mine in rime?
SIMPLU si Moga se pare ca o frig din ce in ce mai bine.

Refren II:
7 seconds to view the situation, (ooh)
7 seconds we make our problem, (go!)
7 seconds we're gone like are done, (yeaaah)
Gimme 7 seconds as I hit the nation on (go!)
7 seconds to view the situation, (view the situation)
7 seconds we make our problem, (make our problem)
7 seconds we're gone like are done, (we're gone like are done)
Gimme 7 seconds as I hit the nation on.

Bridge (Buppy):
Da da da!
Original Buppy, B-U-double P-Y
Original Moga!
Originality, SIMPLU, watch we!

IV (Smiley):
Stii ca pot sa fac orice, da-mi 7 secunde,
Nu-mi trebuie mai mult, spune-mi cine, cand si unde,
Milioane de dolari, cine-i ascunde?
Aici e Romania, ne plasam de ne va tunde.
Doing what I do is a part of my mission,
Takin' the girls them through the train station,
In a the clubbin' we be dancin' and rubbin' and dovin',
In a the cribbin' we be lovin and lovin' and lovin'.
Tension grows, baby why don't you let it go? Make me happy tonight,
'Cuz I've been through a lot of fine to make it right.

V (Buppy & Smiley):
O, oh oh, oh oh, oh, people get killed, blood,
No, no no, no no, no, lot control,
We don't need no, so you got to lean low,
Gimme 7 seconds to complete this mission and go!

Refren (Buppy & Smiley) III:
7 seconds to view the situation, (ooh)
7 seconds we make our problem, (go!)
7 seconds we're gone like are done, (yeaaah)
Gimme 7 seconds as I hit the nation on (go!)
View the situation
To make our problem
Ee're gone like are done,
Gimme 7 seconds as I hit the nation on.

VI (Buppy):
So many moove, so many heist,
Yes, still the girls lock the bad bwoays tide, (hmmm)
Tell them that I do school on side,
Sayin' them girls don't make sure they're doin' right.
No fake breast in the Bucharest,
A one like me like a real kind chest.
Mmm, fluffy-fluffy and a brrr, ah!
Lïke they gotta send me love them ďn the keer.

Refren II:..

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 321

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