Everybody in the country
Come along and move your body
To the rhythm of Romania
The holy Dracula from Transylvania
Hello, darling, I'm Dracula the famous prince charming
Don't, no, don't be runnin
Come and let me kiss you on the neck
;sexy mamy
I love the way you love me
And I love the way you rock
I love the way you;
Makes me realy, realy hot
So give me, give me
Your kissing me haresta;.
Make me, make me
Your Dracula Contesa
Everybody in the country
Come along and move your body
To the rhythm of Romania
The holy Dracula from Transylvania
Antonio's my biggy biggy
Dangerous ;
Sneaking like a, sneaking like
Come around just like a;.
Dracula my hommie come on n go away.
I love the way you love me
And I love the way you rock
I love the way you;
Makes me realy, realy hot
So give me, give me
Your kissing me haresta;.
Make me, make me
Your Dracula Contesa
Everybody in the country
Come along and move your body
To the rhythm of Romania
The holy Dracula from Transylvania(3)
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 360
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