Oare sa ai bani multi si haine scumpe
bijuteri si zi de zi inconjurat de tarfe multe
oare o masina preparata o casa si vrajeala multa
si respectul te-ai imbogatit
oare sa rada toti cand spui o gluma chiar dak nu-i buna
sa taca toti din gura .....
Skillet In Coma
Urasc sa ma simt asa
M-am plictisit sa ma lupt cu asta
Dorm si tot ce visez este sa ma trezesc langa tine
Spune-mi ca ma vei asculta
Atingerea ta e ceea ce-mi lipseste
Si cu cat ascund mai mult realizez ca te .....
Im from that place you never heard of till I rapped about it,
Where we terrorist threat the muslims we keep their whole heads wrapped about it,
Dont get off the plane with the ice glissin, theres always guys listenin
To what hotel you listed in, then youll find your .....
Written By: Antoine Sicotte Anastasia Friedman
If I could be the image of imagination
I wouldn't be here standing in the rain
If I could see all the colours of the rainbow
As they're fading
I'm in conniptions for the final act you came here for
The one derivative you manage is the one I abhor
I need a minute to elaborate for everyone the
Everyday bullshit things that you have done
Your impossible ego fuck is like a
I can't get enough of you baby
I can't get enough of you baby
Yes it's true
Baby yes it's true
Whenever we kiss I get a feeling like this
I get to wishin that there was two of you
My heart crys out more baby
It feels so nice .....
Am bani de dat
Am datorii la stat
Oh no! Nu am bani in buzunar
N-am nici un leu macar
Si strig : "No tengo dinero, no tengo dinero!"
Yooo! Sunt doar un vagabond,
N-am nici un leu in cont
Si strig : "No tengo dinero, no .....
Am ramas profund remarcat
Cand te-am vazut ...m-ai atras cu adevarat
Vrei sa faci ceva cand ma privesti asa
Vrei sa ma pierd sa ma cutremur in fata ta
Sentimentele au cazut acum peste trupu meu
M-ai ales cand am simntit din plin sarutul tau
In brate sa .....
So cold
For leaving me alone
You're so cold
You're leaving me alone
She's a bitch
She thinks I'm rich
But I'm a lonely motherfucker
Love is all I have to preach
Now I know
She's .....
Nu mai plange, norii fug departe cand zambesti
Sterge-ti lacrima ce nu te lasa sa traiesti
Ochii tristi de inger, pe chipul tau durerea o poti citi
In suflet tii ascuns secretul, nimeni nu-l va stii.
Eu visez ca te intalnesc,
In brate te .....