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The Underdog Project - Summer Jam 2003

This ain't nothing but a summer jam
Bronze skin and cinnamon tans whoa!
This ain't nothing but a summer jam
We're gonna party as much as we can
Hey-yeah, ooh, hey-yeah
Summer jam alright
Hey-yeah, ooh, hey-yeah

Tonight hotties wearing "Prada"-skirts
Real tight temperature is rising
Feelin' real hot in the heat of the night
Midnight the party won't stop
Until the morning light
I'm scopin' out the hotties with the light eyes
Be with me tonight

Can't get you outta my mind
I can't lie
Cause a girl like you is so hard to find
I'm waiting for the day to make you mine
Cause I can't take it

This ain't nothing but a summer jam
Bronze skin and cinnamon tans whoa!
This ain't nothing but a summer jam
We're gonna party as much as we can
Hey-yeah, ooh, hey-yeah
Summer jam alright
Hey-yeah, ooh, hey-yeah

Moonlight cruisin' down the boulevard
Strobe lights watching you your body's tight
Alright looking kinda freaky to me
Can't get you out of my mind
I can't lie
Cause a girl like you is so hard to find
I'm waiting for the day to make you mine
Cause I can't take it

This ain't nothing but a summer jam
Bronze skin and cinnamon tans whoa
This ain't nothing but a summer jam
We're gonna party as much as we can
Hey-yeah ooh hey-yeah
Summer jam alright
Hey-yeah ooh hey-yeah

This ain't nothing but a summer jam
Bronze skin and cinnamon tans whoa
This ain't nothing but a summer jam
We're gonna party as much as we can

This ain't nothing but a summer jam
Bronze skin and cinnamon tans whoa
This ain't nothing but a summer jam
We're gonna party as much as we can
Hey-yeah ooh hey-yeah
Summer jam alright
Hey-yeah ooh hey-yeah

Summer jam alright

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 332

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