I'm looking down by the streets end
Girl you've been lacking a pretense
So save your money for the weak you're gonna kill
Cause I got something that the company know how to feel
I'm looking down by the streets end
Girl you've been lacking a pretense
There can't be anything between
It's automatic over me
Shoot like an animal machine
Straight from the colors of her dream
I'm looking over the deep end
Time ain't a reason for defense
Fly from a tree to a sea bed
Mean while, you've been locked in a freezer
There can't be anything between
It's automatic over me
Shoot like an animal machine
Straight from the colors of her dream
Colors of her dream
Shoot like an animal machine
Straight from the colors of her dream
Colors of her dream
Colors of her dream
Colors of her dream
Colors of her dream
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 309
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