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The Verve - A man called sun

Everybody seems to know when he's around
He lifts me up and fades without a sound
Mr. Sun won't you shine?
Mr. Sun won't you shine?

Why he's here I will never know
He makes you know you feel
Like somewhere to go

Mr. Sun won't you shine?
Mr. Sun just you shine

Walking with a man called Sun
I think my journey's just begun
Do you think he'll mind?

He lifts you up he shines
And then he's gone
But you know you need him
More when he's gone

Mr. Sun just shine
Mr. Sun just shine

Walking with a man called Sun
I think my journey's just begun
Do you think he'll mind?

Let it shïne...

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 292

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