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The White Stripes - Conquest

He was out to make a conquest
Didn't care what harm was done
Just as long as he won
nj!oibb!dn?o!!, c
the prize

She was just another conquest
Didn't care whose heart was broke
Love to him was a joke
'til he looked into her eyes

And then in the strange way things happen
The roles were reversed from that day
The hunted became the huntress
The hunter became the prey

Now you know who made the conquest
She, with all her female guile
Led him helpless down the aisle
She had finally made a conquest

ahh ahh ahh ahhhhh {x4}
oooh oooooohh oohhhh

And then in the strange way things happen
The roles were reversed from that day
The hunted became the huntress
The hunter became the prey

Now you know who made the conquest
She, with all her female guile
Led him helpless down the aisle
She had finally made a conquest



Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 327

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