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Napalm Death - No Mental Effort

So we're still in our teething stages.
As far as politics are concerned,
that's fine coming from someone
to whom sensationalism be their only wisdom in words.

A self-proclaimed spokesman
on something to which prior knowledge excedes,
championing no more censorship,
then ridiculing our beliefs.

To appeal to your better nature,
are we to keep our mouths shut ?

Easy to discard,
constructive power at your disposal,
when egos and sales outbalance
opinions on the scale.

Using bands as pawns in your hands,
building up, knocking down, sensationalise
to suit cheap public demand.

Merging with the gutter press
you claim to detest.

It's opened it's lid,
for you to crawl in and infest.

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 274

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