[Music & lyrics: Jesper Liverod]
A new wave of slander, hid as logic
Washed upon our shores
Reason be ignored
It seems shame relives and breathes again
I defy you
- the old beast awakened again
Despise you
- the old beast awakened again
Cultural diversity
Was always a good thing to me
Don't give me that excuse
You fascist fucking fool
I'll call to arms
Unto the enemy within
A farce turned into darkness
I won't be your goddamn tool
I thought we were done with this
Your right-winged folly upon us again
Let face be face, skin be skin
It's you who's the enemy within!
I defy you
- the old beast awakened again
Despise you
- the old beast awakened again
I defy you
Despise you
Deride you
I won't have it again
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 298
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