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Narcotic Sound - Dansa bonito(& Christian D)

Narcotic Sound are in the vibes
Christian D is on the line
Take your style
Make it right
Call your people let's go while

Ohh my god
Do you really really wanna' play non'stop ?
Hold'em boy
Don't forget to bring your toys
Lookin' at you just make me hot
Go boy and hit my spot
Everybody wanna scream "Woww"
Wanna say, wanna feel the beat on my flow

Aiii mi corasao ... basta de ver se holer para tocar
Aii yo soy ligau ...para sentir me lado seu me corasao
Ai ai ai tu amor me fais sentir
De paisiona su carinho sin voce no voy vivir
Ai ai ai nunca voy deja partir
De mi nina preciosa che me fais ante suber

Danca bonito boom boom
Danca bonito boom boom
Danca bonito boom boom move on tu cuerpo x2

Boom boom boom on paraiso x4

Uhh my babe .. uh uhh my babe
Slow sloww down
Wait for another round'

Uhh my babe .. uh uhh my babe
Slow sloww down

Ai ai ai tu amor me fais sentir
De paisiona su carinho sin voce no voy vivir
Ai ai ai nunca voy deja partir
De mi nina preciosa che me fais ante suber

Danca bonito boom boom
Danca bonito boom boom
Danca bonïto boom boom move on tu cuerpo

Come onn

Boom boom boom on paraïso x4

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 389

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