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Nas - Big things

[Verse 1]
Get yours nigga
Cuz Imma get mine
In due time
Everybody gotta shine
Get yours, I spray nines
I say this one time
The last time, I swear to ya'll
I'm from where
The dope fiends is at
And killas crawl
And snitches call police
All these niggas and street
Corners everybody's like
Smokin' marijuana and
Snuffin' niggas in faces & startin' drama and
Shootin' niggas in cold blood, just kill 'em, so what
With the fo' pound go nuts
Betta slow up
Before you get your ass on up
Nigga never gonna grow up
Drinkin' the Henney
But her know he gonna throw up
Tryin' to make crack sales
What it look like? The future for a black male
Don't want to make my momma cry
On a front page for a homicide
Fly whips, all I wanted to drive
Where chicks get blunted & ride
Do 105 in the fast lane
And a fast pace chasin' the papas
Spendin' chips on big chains
And the dimes that give brains
That was a 80's and 90's thing
Now I'm into big thïngs

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 331

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