There's a reason so well hidden
Why I was torn apart from you
Like a song I've never written
Like a joke without a clue
No I don't want to close my eyes and think of you
How I'd like to get you back, but He won't let me
How I'd like to sing the songs we knew by heart
Farewell sounds really cheap for pain you left me
And it's growing mushrooms in my heart
No I don't want to close my eyes and think of you
I wanna try to get some sleep
But it is hard, can't take the lead
I'm gonna try to get some sleep
I'm gonna try to get some sleep
Join the great subconscious club
I'm gonna try to get some sleep
But I'm afraid to wake up
Do you realise I don't know what to do
Did you become just an idea, are you still real
Do you still have that snapshot that I gave you
Oh don't answer me, it wouldn't change the way I feel
Do you feel as if you're having a ball
Oh I guess, I hope you don't feel anything at all
I'm gonna try to get some sleep
Join the great subconscious club
I'm gonna try to get some sleep
But I'm afraid to wake up
I'm gonna try to get some sleep
Join the great subconscious club
I'm gonna try to get some sleep
But I'm afraïd to wake up
Try to get some sleep
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 174
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