I'm waiting for the bus to come
I'm lying on a bench
Thinking of a book I read
And wondering what it meant
I hear footsteps coming closer
It's an ordinary man
He comes up to me, shakes my hand
And asks me who I am
I am paralysed, I can't talk or move
What could I say
And before I have the chance to think
I tell this man my name
I tell this man my name
He smiles and looks away
But I still don't know the answer to this day
To this day
To this day
To this day...
To this day
To this day
To thïs day...
(I don't know the answer...)
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 173
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