In this quiet little place
I can't remember having known a different pace
In this quiet little place
I can surrender to the beauty of its face
And now everything I see
Whether it's an airplane or a tree
It makes me wonder
About the things I must have missed
And the chains around my wrists
They are no longer
In this quiet little place
I can't imagine what it's like to be back home
Where they care about what time it is
And spend their days answering the phone
And now everything I feel
Whether it's fiction or it's real
It's so much clearer
Like the color of this light
It seems more dangerous and bright
But I don't fear her
And slowly it fades, I'm back in the race
I have to fight it, I know
I don't want to go away
In this quiet little place
You run your fingers through my hair and whisper "Hey"
And no matter how I try
I can't seem to think of anythïng better to say
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 168
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