Consuming far too much
Ignoring the will to touch
The ones who don't have food at all...
I'm breathing
I'm wondering how
We watch Wheel of Fortune now
I close my eyes and try to see
A piece of paradise in me
Beat me up
And smash my brand new TV
To help me look for
A little piece of paradise in me
I'm dancing, I'm writing songs
About what bothers me the most
About those who can't dance at all...
I'm only jumping
I'm only freaking out
And I wonder what it's all about
To close my eyes and finally see
A piece of paradise in me
Beat me up
And smash my brand new TV
To help me look for
A little piece of paradise in me
A little piece of paradise ïn me
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 180
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