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K's Choice - Only dreaming

I'm sure you're only dreaming
You're only juggling with my mind
While I feel more and more like screaming
For the scar you left behind

I'm sure you're only dreaming
I'm sure we're just a part
Of what the lucky man believes in
I'm sure you know this song by heart

You're only dreaming, I think I can hear you talk
You're only dreaming, I think I can hear you say, 'shut up'
You're only dreaming, I hope your dream is in me
You're only dreaming you're free

You will show up while I'm dreaming
Out of nowhere cross my way
You will ask me not to scream and
You will smile and you will say, 'dear friend,

You're only dreaming, I think I can hear you talk
You're only dreaming, I think I can hear you say, 'shut up'
You're only dreaming, I hope your dream is in me
You're only dreaming you're free
You're only dreaming
You're only dreaming
You're only dreaming, dreaming...
You're only dreaming
You're only dreaming
You're only dreaming, dreamïng...'

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 186

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