Today there's nothing more to say
But someday I'll return to you
Today things didn't go our way
Maybe tomorrow I will return to you
Today I'd like to slip away from all this pain
Someday, I'll return to you
Today I'd like to be a cell inside your vein
Maybe tomorrow I will return to you
Once more I'd like to put a spider in your bed
For that, I will return to you
I want you to hear the things I never said
For that, I will return to you
Someday, I'll return to you
Dry the rain inside my head
To hear the things I never said
I will return to you
To be a light beam through a cloud
To laugh at things I'm singing now
I will, I will return to you
I will return to you, to you
I will return to you
Someday I'll return to you
I will return to you
Maybe tomorrow I wïll return to you
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 199
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