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Justin TImberlake - Never Again

Would have given up my life for you

Guess it's true what they say about love

It's blind

Girl, you lied straight to my face

Looking in my eyes

And I believed you 'cause I loved you more than

And all you had to do

Was apologize

You didn't say you're sorry

I don't understand

You don't care that you hurt me

And now I'm half the man

That I used to be when it was you and me

You didn't love me enough

My heart may never mend

And you'll never get to love me, again

No, no, no, no, no, no

Sadness has me at the end of the line

Helpless watched you break this heart of mine

And loneliness only wants you back here with me

Common sense knows that you're not good enough
for me

And all you had to do

Was apologize, and mean it

But you didn't say you're sorry

I don't understand

You don't care that you hurt me

And now I'm half the man

That I used to be when it was you and me

You didn't love me enough

My heart may never mend

And you'll never get to love me

Wish like hell I could go back in time

Maybe then I could see how

Forgiveness says that I should give you one more

But it's too late, it's over now

You didn't say you're sorry

I don't understand

You don't care that you hurt me

And now I'm half the man

That I used to be when it was you and me

You didn't love me enough

My heart may never mend

And you'll never get to love me


Again, yeah, yeah

Again, again, again, yeah, yeah, yeah

Never get to love me

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 231

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