Wind rolls down the meadow,
Pain follows me like a shadow,
Do you still long for me,
Where have you gone, oh, sorrow.
Rosemary in your hair,
And a flower by the fountain,
How could you ever love another.
My dove, lovely dove,
Not a song, bring her my tears.
When they ask for your hand,
My love, I won't be there,
Sorrow is easy to forgive.
But love is not forgiven, ever.
How could you ever love another.
My dove, lovely dove,
Not a song, bring her my tears.
Now I go, for I have loved,
The one who could never be mine.
My dove, lovely dove,
Not a song, bring her my tears.
Now I go, for I have loved,
The one who could never be mine.
Why did I love you,
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 231
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