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Haunted - Blood Rust

Stale drops of inferior taste. Handed down just
to lay to waste. Foul scent of

a dream gone bad. Die the death that he never
had. I've seen the flaming

sights I've walked that dreaded mile. Religious
fragmentation I gasp another

line. So be it-This place turns to dust. So be
it-Our blood turns to rust...I

see the world as gone...Bring the pain! I see the
world as gone. Epidemic

spreads across the land. To every place and into
every man. The solution lost

for all. Betrayed and broken. Domestic
intervention may stop it for a while.

Concealed intentions Our code they mastermind. .
So be it-This place turns to

dust. So be it-Our blood turns to rust...I see
the world as gone...Bring the

pain! I see the world as gone...

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 213

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