Angelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertina
And play a welcome for me 'cause I'll be coming home from sea
Yes it's so long since I've been home
Seems like there's no place to roam
Well I've sailed around the Horn
I've been from San Jose up to Baffin Bay
And I've rode out many a storm
Angelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertina
And play a welcome for me 'cause I'll be coming home from sea
Well I've heard the bawdy tunes
I've been in honky tonk saloons
I took my liquor by the vat
Well I stayed on call for a rousing brawl
Home was where I hung my hat
Angelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertina
And play a welcome for me 'cause I'll be coming home from sea
Now I've courted many a girl
I've been in ports all around the world
But my rambling days are done
I've been from Curacao up to Tokyo
And I've found there's only one
And she is Angelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertina
And play a welcome for me 'cause I'll be coming home from sea
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 212
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