I walked the line
Leave it all behind
I've been waiting forever
Lets go back in time
When I could read your mind
So long I've been waiting
It took the seasons going by
To know its not my fault
I tried to be perfect, tried to be honest
Tried to be everything that you ever wanted
I tried to be stronger, tried to be smarter
Tried to be everything but you
Its been so long
Since youve been home
I used to wait up forever
I used to say a prayer
Wishing you were there
And im still waiting
You told me once
You'd show up
But i fell for that
Before I fell to pieces
Then I woke up
To no one,
Just a picture of Jesus
And a house left in pieces
It took the seasons going by
To know its not my fault
I tried to be perfect, tried to be honest
Tried to be everything that you ever wanted
I tried to be stronger, tried to be smarter
Tried to be everything but you
I wanted you
I need you
I want to believe you [x2]
I tried to be perfect, tried to be honest
tried to be everything but you
I tried to be perfect, tried to be honest
Tried to be everything that you ever wanted
I tried to be stronger, tried to be smarter
Tried to be everything but you
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 185
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