Come back
Baby, come back
Baby, come back
Baby, come back
This is the first time until today
That you have run away
I'm asking you for the first time
Love me [unintelligible] stay (all right)
Hey (all right)
Hey (all .....
Ma tot gandesc la tine si parca aud chemarea ta
Racoarea ma cuprinde, asteptare tot mai vrea.
Mi-e dor si simt in mintea mea
Pustiu si gol in urma ta
Iar linistea ce doare
Nimic n-o poate tulbura.
I picked up the phone and heard her voice
Is she takin my time
She sounded so cute so innocent
You always were a sucker for the playful kind
Stop before you tell me a lie
I don't want to hear another alibi
This is where the story will .....
Some kind of animal is stalkin? your trail.
Some weird unconformity outside your tail.
Bug Bear, Night Mare, Castles in the air,
I wonder if this game is fair.
Some kind of animal is loose in the night.
Leaping and shrieking in freakish delight.
You think you know me.
On this day I see clearly:
Everything has come to life.
Bit-a-place and a broken dream
And we'll leave it all behind.
On this day it's so real to me:
Everything has come to life.
Another chance to chase a dream, .....
I sit, I sit and watch my days they disappear
Waste away in fear
Will you wait? Why won't you wait for me?
Do you still believe that I will free myself?
In my cell sunlight breaks oh well
Can't you see what this shit has done to me?
Sacred - Standing full of pride
Spite on my mind, spite in my brain
Guiding me to fight
Enchained - pray to be a slave
Rules without sense, no little sense
To dust you will decay
Hallowed be my name
Hallowed be my .....
Nu eram aceiasi de candva
Ma chemai tot timpul undeva
Invatam cu visul a zbura
Ne iubeam si noaptea, ne iubeam...
Tu erai cerul, eu steaua ta
Si numai noaptea ne vedea
Tu focul marii, eu lacrima
Dragostea noastra traieste si azi .....
Mírame y dime si ves,
el amor que llevo en el alma,
mira bien si crees no ver nada.
Tengo más de lo que tú crees,
tengo un sueńo que viaja conmigo,
e ilusiones cada mańana.
Déjame enseńarte,
que soy sólo así,
Le ciel est bleu, le vent du large
Creuse la mer bien joliment.
Vers le port, montant ŕ la charge,
Galopent seize escadrons blancs.
C'est un port tout au bord du monde
Dont les rues s'ouvrent sur l'infini
Mais de lŕ, comme la .....