Come back
Baby, come back
Baby, come back
Baby, come back
This is the first time until today
That you have run away
I'm asking you for the first time
Love me [unintelligible] stay (all right)
Hey (all right)
Hey (all right!)
Hey, yeah
Come back
Baby, come back
Baby, come back
Baby, come back
There ain't no use in you crying
'Cause I'm more hurt than you
I shoulda not been out flirting
But now my love is true
Ooh (all right)
Ooh (OK!)
Ooh, yeah
Come back
Baby, come back
Baby, come back
Baby, come back
Come back, baby, don't you leave me
Baby, baby, please don't go
Oh, won't you give me a second chance
Baby, I love you so (all right)
Oh (oh, yeah)
Oh (okay)
Oh, yeah
Come back
I said baby, come back
I said baby, come back
Oh won't you please come back
Oh won't you please come back [continue to fade
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 223
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