Sacred - Standing full of pride
Spite on my mind, spite in my brain
Guiding me to fight
Enchained - pray to be a slave
Rules without sense, no little sense
To dust you will decay
Hallowed be my name
Hallowed be my name
God of creation
You beg for damnation
You think you can serve me in hate
Hallowed be my name
Hallowed be my name
God of creation
You beg for damnation
You think you can serve me in hate
Hatred - pushed into a war
Those who blaspheme
Don?t join our way
Dying be your sword
Sacred - hallowed be my name
For "peace" you destroy
Lie and deny
A glorious crusade
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 240
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