Din munți de piatra seaca; din gropile cu fum,
Strigam la tine Doamne! .. opreste-i tu din drum
Pre toți aceia care din noi se-alimenteaza
Sa nu ne fie bine, la asta ei vegheaza
Ca tot mai mulți sa fie cu noi aici în .....
E tarziu si-am oboist sa umblu fara sens pe strazile in amurg
Ma-ntorc spre casa iar si-n prag ma v-a astepta ca de obicei singuratatea mea
Cand vine seara mii de lumini se aprind, dar stiu ca mii de stelele se sting
Imi este teama s-aprind lumina .....
Ma atragi,
Ma respingi,
Te alinti si ma iubesti
Si femeie si copil,
Asa cum esti.
Eu iubesc,
Ochii tai,
Noaptea din privirea ta,
Felul tau de-ami sopti ceva.
Dar intre noi mai e un pasa
Of, of tatal meu bine m-ai crescut
Vorbe bune tu mi-ai dat de la inceput
Of, of tatal meu bine m-ai crescut
Vorbe bune tu mi-ai dat de la inceput
Bine-i sa ai unde trage atunci cand ti-e greu
Si cand inima te doare
Oriunde-s .....
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
In 77 and 69 revolution was in the air
I was born too late into a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
When the head of state didn't play .....
You take my love
You want my soul
I would be crazy to share your life
Why can't you see what I am
Sharpen the senses and drawn the knife
Heurt me and you'll understand
I'll never be Maria Magdalena
You're a creature .....
don't let the song go out of your life and don't forget that you can sing
don't let the melody run dry always remember what it brings
you spent the line/light standing in the background of the downtown coir
don't let the light go out of your eyes and .....
De-ar avea dusmani putere lumeeeee
A da di dali
A de-ar avea dusmani putere
Ei mi-ar face zile grele
Si m-ar baga la belele
De-ar avea dusmani putere lumeeeee
A da di dali
A de-ar avea dusmani putere
Ei mi-ar face zile grele
Got a black magic woman
ggf o, ddl?mff .
Got a black magic woman
ggf o, ddl?mff .
I've got a black magic woman
ggf o, ddl?mff .
Got me so blind I can't see
that she's a black magic woman
ggf o, ddl?mff .
She's .....
Head under water,
And they tell me to breathe easy for a while.
The breathing gets harder, even I know that.
You made room for me but its too soon to see,
If Im happy in your hands.
Im unusually hard to hold on to.
Blank stares at .....