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Santana - Black Magic Woman

Got a black magic woman
ggf o, ddl?mff .
Got a black magic woman
ggf o, ddl?mff .
I've got a black magic woman
ggf o, ddl?mff .
Got me so blind I can't see
that she's a black magic woman
ggf o, ddl?mff .
She's trying to make a devil out of me

Don't turn your back on me baby
Don't turn your back on me baby
Yes don't turn your back on me baby
Stop messing 'round with your tricks
Don't turn your back on me baby
You just might pick up my magic sticks

Got your spell on me baby
Got your spell on me baby
Yes you got your spell on me baby
Turning my heart into stone
I need you so bad, magic woman
I can't leave you alone

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 316

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