You take my love
You want my soul
I would be crazy to share your life
Why can't you see what I am
Sharpen the senses and drawn the knife
Heurt me and you'll understand
I'll never be Maria Magdalena
You're a creature of the night
Maria Magdalena
You're a victim of the fight
You need love
Promesse me delight
You need love
I'll never be Maria Magdalena
You're a creature of the night
Maria Magdalena
You're a victim of the fight
You need love
Promesse me delight
You need love
Why must I lie
Find any prize
When will you wake up and realize
I can't surrender to you
Play for affection and
Win the prize
I know those party games too
I'll never be Maria Magdalena
You're a creature of the night
Maria Magdalena
You're a victim of the fight
You need love
Promesse me delight
You need love
I'll never be Maria Magdalena
You're a creature of the night
Maria Magdalena
You're a victim of the fight
You need love
Promesse me delight
You need love
I'll never be Maria Magdalena
You're a creature of the night
Maria Magdalena
You're a victim of the fight
You need love
Promesse me delight
You need love
I'll never be Maria Magdalena
You're a creature of the night
Maria Magdalena
You're a victim of the fight
You need love
Promesse me delïght
You need love
Categoria: Versuri melodii
Cuvinte cheie:
Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012
Vizualizari: 281
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